River Pathway

Our Pathways

Students are not placed in cohorts based on their chronological age; they are placed in class groups dependent on their cognitive, sensory, social, emotional and communication needs. Classes are organised into our four curriculum pathways: ‘Stream‘, ‘River‘, ‘Ocean‘ and ‘Hub‘.

Curriculum Intent

Teachers plan topics and themes that provide a context for learning at our four different curriculum levels:

River students engage with exploratory based learning that encompasses real life experiences. In this pathway the curriculum is focused on the four areas of the EHCP and discrete learning opportunities to promote engagement. In a river classroom you will see students learning through adult-led practical tasks alongside child-led learning opportunities. The river curriculum allows learners to:

  • Develop a range of functional skills across the curriculum
  • Learn about the world around them and their place in the wider community
  • Learn and practice life skills to enable them to be as independent as possible
  • Express choices and feelings through preferred method of communication

Curriculum Implementation

A student’s individual EHCP and subsequent ‘My Plan’ will be central to the planning of lessons and activities for students working within the exploratory strand of the curriculum. The river pathway follows a set of long term goals that are broken down into progression of skills linked to each of the four areas of the EHCP. Holbrook cross-curricular progression of skills inform topic based learning. Students learn through discrete Maths, English and topic based sessions informed by EQUALS schemes of work, White Rose Maths and Functional Skills.

River Timetable Example