Prospective Parents/Carers
Admissions Information
Holbrook School for Autism is a Derbyshire special school. While the majority of our students live in Derbyshire, a large number also live in Derby City and some from Nottinghamshire and Staffordshire.
We are unable to take admissions directly, parents should contact their Local Authority to find out about admissions arrangements.
A link to the Derbyshire special school admissions advice is given below.
LA Advice
Holbrook School for Autism also has its own admissions policy, explaining how admissions are managed. Please follow the link below to find out more.
Admissions Policy
Presentation Mornings
We are holding a number of presentation mornings for prospective parent/carers on the following dates:
Wednesday 6 November 2024
Thursday 6 February 2025
Wednesday 19 March 2025
Thursday 8 May 2025
Thursday 19 June 2025
These will be held in our Sports Hall at our main Holbrook Site (Portway, Holbrook, DE56 0TE) starting at 10am and lasting approximately an hour.
This is a presentation led by Senior Management and Middle Leaders followed by an opportunity to ask questions. We are unable to facilitate school tours.
We must stress we are at full capacity for all students at present and are unable to accept any new students until at least September 2025, when place numbers are very limited.
If you would like to attend, please click the link below to book a place. Places are limited to two per family and unfortunately we are unable to allow any children to attend.