Ocean Pathway

Our Pathways

Students are not placed in cohorts based on their chronological age; they are placed in class groups dependent on their cognitive, sensory, social, emotional and communication needs. Classes are organised into our four curriculum pathways: ‘Stream‘, ‘River‘, ‘Ocean‘ and ‘Hub‘.

Curriculum Intent

Teachers plan topics and themes that provide a context for learning at our four different curriculum levels:

Ocean students engage in semi-formal learning. In this pathway the curriculum is focused on the development and application of fundamental skills and knowledge. In an ocean class you will see students learning through subject and topic based learning tasks with opportunities to further develop skills through practical and sensory activities. The ocean curriculum allows learners to:

  • Study a wide range of subjects, as appropriate
  • Learn through concrete tasks and then through generalising and applying knowledge and skills
  • Development of employability and functional skills to support independence in the wider world.
  • Engage and express preferences to develop and build upon their interests.

Curriculum Implementation

A student’s individual EHCP and subsequent ‘My Plan’ supplements planning for this more semi-formal strand of the curriculum. Foundation subjects act as a vehicle to support functional application of Maths and English.

Students learn through Maths and English sessions, topic based progression of skills, White Rose Maths and a wide range of accreditation.

Our Creativity and Our World schemes of work support focused teaching opportunities. Within the Ocean pathway there is the opportunity to work towards more formal subject specific lessons to develop learning, understanding and application in relation to student’s ability and interest.

Ocean Timetable Example