Governors 2023/2024

Welcome, by Berni Dickinson, Chair of Governors

On behalf of everybody at Holbrook School for Autism, I welcome you to our website where I hope you will get a flavour of what goes on in our fantastic school.

Led by Sam Bayliss, we firmly believe that ‘learning comes to life’ through our personalised learning opportunities, enabling all our students to go on to lead full and meaningful lives.

The task of the Governing Body is to govern the school through the implementation of three core functions: providing strategic leadership, holding the Headteacher to account and making sure the school’s money is well spent. We do this by meeting at least six times a year and also by delegating specific tasks to individual or groups of Governors who then report back to the Governing Board.

If you would like to know more about the role of Governors, please do not hesitate to contact me via our Clerk to Governors, Emma Kealey, at

Governor Structure & Roles 2023-24

Governor Attendance 2023-24

Governor Attendance 2022-23

Governors who have left in the last 12 months

Access the Esteem Multi Academy Trust central governance and financial information, which includes the Esteem MAT Articles of Association, Funding Agreement, audited accounts and Annual Report.  It also provides more information on how governance is structured at Esteem and the remit of those in a governance role.

Central Governance Documents