Careers at Holbrook School for Autism
At Holbrook School for Autism we provide a personalised curriculum, designed to address the needs of the whole child or young person. Our Careers provision is tailored to meet the differing needs and requirements of our students. We are fully committed to ensuring that all of our students acquire the skills, knowledge and attitudes to support learning and preparation for intended destinations. Careers education is an integral part of our school ethos and curriculum. We strongly value its importance in preparing students for life beyond school as resilient and independent individuals equipped with the skills to make informed decisions and to participate in the wider community. We prepare students for their intended destination through a progressive careers programme and pathway specific approaches.
Our Careers Programme is integrated into the students’ experience of the whole curriculum and based on a partnership with key stakeholders. The programme is designed and structured to meet the Gatsby Benchmarks and the wide range of needs of our students.
Holbrook Careers Futures Programme
Holbrook Student Career Journey
Quality in Careers Standard
Holbrook and the Gatsby Benchmarks
Work Related Learning and Transition
Holbrook School for Autism are working strategically with a number of key education partners including the Careers and Enterprise Company and D2N2 to make sustainable links with industry, community business and wider stakeholders. We have successfully established links with a range of employers to support work placements and work related learning opportunities. We have strong links with further education colleges, specialist training providers and a wide range of disability confident employers.
Our students transition to a range of destinations within the community. Student destination is informed by but not restricted to the individual’s need and pathway. Some may choose to transition to a Further Education college, apprenticeship, paid employment or voluntary work whilst others may transition to a specialist provision within the community. We recognise the importance of preparation for intended destination in line with students’ Education Health and Care Plan and personalised Holbrook My Plan. Our Careers Programme aims to raise aspiration and develop our students’ self-belief, functional communication and independence skills, as these are vital for preparing for adulthood. We are committed to developing our student’s cultural capital and to challenging stereotypes and removing barriers that our students may encounter when planning for transition or career pathways.

Post Holbrook Opportunities
Destination Data 24-25
Click on the links below to see what our students can offer
Employer Information to support our students to access the workplace
Provider Access Policy
Key Documents, Guidance & Advice for Staff, Students, Employers, Parents/Carers
Holbrook School for Autism is committed to the safeguarding of the students within our care. In line with Ofsted guidance, specific advice and policies need to be made available for all staff. For ease of reference and access, these documents are provided below for all staff, parents/carers and employers.
Our Careers Leader is Richard Jackson who can be contacted at
Our Enterprise Adviser is Jane Reddish from Denby Pottery.
Our Enterprise Coordinator is Charlotte Bushell from D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).
Careers Education (CEIAG) Policy
Destination Data 2021-2022
Gatsby Benchmarks Explained
Provider Access Policy
Careers Support - Case Study
Careers at Holbrook - Guide for Parents
Employer Engagement Policy